Thursday Movie Picks: Non-English TV Shows

Thursday Movie Picks is hosted by Wandering Through the Shelves. Head over to her site to join in! This month's television theme is non-English TV shows. Last year I went with Japanese television, this year I'm going with South Korean TV shows. South Korea has a variety of shows, but most of what I watched are the romantic comedy types. Here are my picks this week.

Edward Scissorhands

Edward Scissorhands is one of Tim Burton's prolific work. This stars Johnny Depp as the titular character, and his life in his neighborhood when Peg Boggs took him in her home. It showed the relationship he had with his neighbors and the family, including his crush on Kim. This had the signature Tim Burton style to it, a style that while charming back then, may not have aged very well.

The Miniaturist

The Miniaturist is a mini series adaptation of a novel by Jessie Burton. It narrates the story of a woman who becomes the wife of a prominent merchant, only to be engulfed in the household's secrets when she begins to receive miniature items that is telling of her situation. The whole adaptation runs for 2.5 hours, and while a lengthly runtime it would best to watch the whole series in one sitting due to the division of parts. I haven't read the source novel, but for what it was, I thought that it was well done. (note: spoilers)

Thursday Movie Picks: Childhood Favorites

Thursday Movie Picks is hosted by Wandering Through the Shelves. Head over to her site and join in! This week is about childhood favorites. The choices I made for the week are movies that I used to watch all the time when I was younger. Here are my picks for the week.


Note: spoilers So, what is this film? It stands in the middle of being a plot driven and a character driven film. I might even be wrong. I don't really know what to make of it. When you screaming 'what the hell is happening' every five minutes on the screen, your thoughts about it are mostly up in the air. If you dissect it - acting, dialogue, cinematography, editing, sound, direction - and find that the factors compliment each other, why am I not raving about it? I'm confused with what I've seen, and I don't think I would revisit this film at all.

Thursday Movie Picks: Just One Day

Thursday Movie Picks is hosted by Wandering Through the Shelves. Go to her site to see the list of themes and join in! This week is about movies that happen in one day. The first thing I thought of was the Before trilogy, but I decided not to go with them. I did have to double check in some of my picks if it did happen in a day. Here are my picks for the week. 

Maggie's Plan

Maggie's Plan has a refreshing premise. Maggie is an adviser who wants to become a mother. The film starts with her talking to her friend about artificial insemination and finding a viable candidate for what she wanted. She wanted to have a child, and she didn't want to wait for it in a traditional sense. When a mix-up at her school occurs, she meets John Harding, an anthropology professor who is renowned, but lives in the shadow of his more successful wife, Georgette. When Maggie and John strike up a friendship, culminating to a confession that they had feelings for each other. Three years later, that confession had turned to a marriage, with Maggie feeling that she may have made a mistake in entering a union with John. Seeing as how John and Georgette were still friendly to each other, she concocts a plan to get the exes back together.

Thursday Movie Picks: Oscar Nominated Movies That Should Have Won

Thursday Movie Picks is hosted by Wandering Through the Shelves. Head over to her site and join in! This week is about Oscar nominated works that should have won. For this I am going to assume that this covers Best Picture, Best Foreign Language Feature, and Best Animated Feature. This is going to be a tough one since I haven't watched all nominated films for a specific year, so my choices will be narrowed down to Best Picture winner that I have seen, and what I think should have won in its place. Honestly, my main reason for why the movies should have won is because I thought it was better than the winner. Here are my picks this week.